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left to close the goal of $150
Clothing for Those in Need
Essential Supplies for Families
Philadelphia • Pennsylvania
This donation will provide a family or youth with personal hygiene items and necessities such as clothing, diapers, and formula.
Goal: $25
Rock to the Future
Music Education and Enrichment
Survivor Support Services
Rock to the Future serves youth who are currently incarcerated and in intervention programs. We use music as a means to support peer relationships through collaboration, heal from trauma through self-expression and original songwriting, build pride and self-efficacy through live-performance, support professional pathways through technical skill development, and suppport the re-entry process into our holistic community locations to support life-long well-being.
Goal: $75
Food Security Initiatives
Transportation Assistance
MusiCommunity provides exciting, year-round music programming in critical out-of-school hours at accessible community locations while also providing youth with connection to essential resources. Youth are provided with meals, transportation passes, a welcome and hygiene kit, and Rock to the Future tee shirt to eliminate barriers to participation and support community building.