UpFrom Score

What is the UpFrom score?

The UpFrom score is a simple way to rank the impact of any business in their local community. It ensures that every dollar put to work is focused on not only checking the "corporate giving" box, but creating lasting impact. Using our unique UpFrom Score, we can rank the impact of any business on a scale of 0 to 100, and highlight the ones making the most significant impact.
Why Your Score Matters
As a business leader, it's easy to measure your revenue. But measuring the impact of your donations and team events is hard. The UpFrom score is a proprietary algorithm that tracks the impact of every dollar your team gives on the platform. This helps you understand how you are doing compared to other businesses, and how you can increase the impact in your local community.
The UpFrom Score Formula
The UpFrom Score is a combination of 3 areas:

Investment: Your investment in your community relative to your revenue

Participation: Your employees participation in their community relative to your overall employee count

Impact: The ROI of the dollars given and their lasting impact on the community.

UpFrom Score = Investment + Participation + Impact
Each component is scored from 0 to 100, based on how you rank compared to other companies in our dataset. The 3 metrics are then weighted and combined together to produce your overall score.
Corporate Investment
Employee Participation
Community Impact
Benefits for Businesses
As a business leader, you can see your UpFrom Score and how you rank compared to other businesses in your city. This visibility helps you understand your standing and find opportunities to enhance your community impact.

City-Specific Rankings: Browse through pages dedicated to each city, listing the top businesses with a special spotlight on the top 10.

Recognition Badges: Earn badges like “Best in Dallas” to showcase your achievements.

Local Business Ranking: Easily find and compare local businesses based on their location and community contributions.

Comprehensive Algorithm: Our ranking combines public data with your business's contributions to generate an accurate UpFrom Score.

Corporate Giving Made Easy

Increase employee retention, impact your local community, and foster transparency in your organization.
Celebrating Local Impact
Each month, UpFrom celebrates the businesses that are making a local impact in their community. The higher the score, the more visibility your business gets on UpFrom. Winners are based solely on their UpFrom score in their local community, which is based on their financial contributions, employee participation, and impact ROI.
How It Works
When you create a business profile, you can add details like your revenue and number of employees. Our algorithm then evaluates:
UpFrom Score=(0.4×FCR)+(0.3×EPR)+(0.3×RCI)

Financial Contribution vs. Revenue (FCR): Measures the percentage of your annual revenue donated to community causes. This accounts for 40% of your UpFrom Score.

Employee Participation Rate (EPR): Tracks the percentage of your employees actively involved in community initiatives. This makes up 30% of your UpFrom Score.

ROI on Community Investments (RCI): Assesses the impact of your contributions on community projects, making up the remaining 30% of your score.

Measure Your Community Impact