
Empower a child's journey towards growth and success by sponsoring their participation in House on Beekman's unique and holistic program. This initiative takes a comprehensive approach to child development, focusing on both hard and soft skills through two critical elements: Advocacy and In-Person After School programming. By sponsoring a student, you ensure they are paired with a dedicated advocate for the entire academic year, bridging the crucial connections between the child, their educational environment, and their home life. This advocate works tirelessly to address both academic and social-emotional needs, ensuring a well-rounded support system. Moreover, our in-person after school offerings provide focused homework help, academic enrichment through passion projects, and vital social-emotional health activities. Your sponsorship represents more than financial support; it's a commitment to nurturing the potential within every child, ensuring they have the resources and support to thrive academically and emotionally. Join House on Beekman in our mission to foster resilience, curiosity, and joy in learning, making a lasting impact in the life of a child and their community.


A House on Beekman


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